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Using KTP laser treatment for broken capillaries

Patients with broken capillaries who want to improve their skin appearance may be unaware of the many available options. At Krueger Aesthetics of Mukilteo, Washington, patients can ask about solutions for the skin, such as KTP laser treatment. KTP lasers can help with broken capillaries, and other imperfections of the skin.

What is KTP laser treatment?

KTP is an acronym for Potassium Titanyl Phosphate, a special crystal used as a medium for laser treatments, effectively producing a 532-nanometer wavelength. This particular laser treatment targets the oxyhemoglobin in the blood, leaving surrounding tissues and structures of the skin and body intact and unaffected. As the laser beam penetrates the skin, it can target and collapse blood vessels to reduce or even eliminate the appearance of broken capillaries. This unique laser device can also be used to address pigmentation, often recommended for patients seeking freckle removal or sunspot reduction.

What can I expect from my KTP laser treatment?

Redness and vein removal with the KTP laser treatment requires patients to be prepared for their appointment. Patients should avoid significant sun exposure for a week or two before their visit and can expect their procedure to take anywhere from 15-30 minutes. Patients wear protective eyewear as the laser device administers light into the skin. The light energy will pulse, and most patients will feel a slight snapping sensation on the skin. However, we do apply topical anesthetic to ensure patients are comfortable during their treatment sessions. Patients will notice an improvement in their skin over time.

How do I learn more about KTP laser services?

Krueger Aesthetics of Mukilteo, WA, has experienced providers in the area who can provide this and many other laser and light-based therapies for patients to consider instead of plastic surgery solutions. Call (425) 876-9999 to request an appointment at 828 2nd Street to find out if you are the right candidate for this or other treatment options available at our state-of-the-art office. We welcome you to our office for quality, comprehensive skin care solutions!