Laser therapies and skincare go hand in hand. Our providers, Dr. Ronald A. Krueger, Phyllis Pollock, and Shana McKenzie, have a combined 60 years of experience in aesthetic treatments. The expertise of the Krueger Aesthetics team in Mukilteo, Washington, is further enhanced by their distinctive knowledge and dedication to skincare. Our skill and competency in skincare are reflected in our exclusive line of products: KRx. The origins of our medical-grade products can be traced back to Dr. Krueger’s discovery – better skincare leads to improved treatment results!
Since good skincare comes first, we like to get our patients into a routine that is in the best interests of their skin at any given time. Just like the body, our skin evolves over time. The ingredients and products that worked best for you as a young adult may no longer serve you well as an older person with aging or “mature” skin. For example, products designed for oily skin may no longer suit your current skin type. As your skin changes, these products could be quite drying and actually work against the health of your skin. We thoroughly evaluate the skin that you are in today. We create a personalized plan to support your skin daily, not just during specific treatments.
Older laser systems were more limiting compared to modern technology. These lasers carry with them the risk of hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation among patients with certain skin types. Modern technologies are highly customizable. We can customize various settings to safely, precisely, and comfortably treat patients across diverse skin types, colors, and needs. Additionally, Dr. Krueger has invested in a full suite of lasers. So, there is an option that is appropriate for your needs and personal characteristics. Some systems, like our KTP laser, are perfect for treating pigmentation issues – from the redness associated with broken capillaries to stubborn, dark “age spots.” Our CO2 and Clear + Brilliant® options feature fractionated technology. We stimulate new skin growth safely and predictably by targeting a fraction of tissue in the treatment area at a time. As the tissue heals, fresh collagen is also produced for improved skin quality.
There are more nonsurgical treatments than ever before to combat aging signs. In addition to lasers that use light energy to produce results, other energy-based devices include Pelleve®. This treatment harnesses the power of Radiofrequency (RF) to heat the skin deeply, a process that stimulates firming collagen to correct laxity and soften wrinkles. We continuously update our ingredients and formulations for facial services, including chemical peels, to stay at the forefront of skincare advancements. Due to the high degree of customization associated with peels, we support low-risk, well-tolerated treatment that gets the desired results while perfectly aligning with your schedule and lifestyle.
By applying the right products and formulations, Krueger Aesthetics can help to “seal” the skin and strengthen the skin barrier post-treatment. In doing so, our therapies can work better and more effectively while minimizing the risk of adverse reactions or complications during healing. The right products can also encourage healing, which supports comfortable and efficient recovery. Our talented team looks forward to helping you maintain healthy skin and the results from the many treatments available at our office in Mukilteo, WA. Schedule your evaluation by calling us at (425) 876-9999.